Tooth #5!

It seems like every time Baby A. gets another tooth, I miss all the signs and spend so much time wondering why he's suddenly fussier, sleeping badly or too much, and interested in breastfeeding twice as much as normal... AKA all the signs. 😓

Of course, he also seems to crack new teeth while we're traveling or dealing with some other big change in life. Also, his first four teeth came in pairs...yikes. We don't do much for his teething, except the occasional bit of Tylenol if we notice in time that he's having a tough time sleeping. He has teething toys that we refrigerate, but he's into those whether he's teething or not. I have tried a frozen wash cloth, but again, he'd be into trying to eat his washcloth, frozen or not frozen, haha. I do own two teething necklaces, as well, and those are great for when he's in the carrier or Moby wrap to avoid him gumming on the wrap/carrier.

His first two teeth (the bottom two) came in just before the winter holiday season, when we had tons of travel coming up. The combination of our lack of awareness of what was going on with the little guy and the travel meant we didn't get any pain relief to him before we actually saw those two little teeth. After that, we got some Tylenol to keep on hand- although we didn't give him that much of it, maybe just a dose or two over the course of the following week. His top two teeth came in about a month ago, and again, we didn't realize he was reacting to the new top teeth until we actually saw them. Poor guy, he's really stuck with some oblivious parents!

His most recent tooth came in solo- it's the tooth to the left of his bottom two teeth, and of course, I only noticed it once he bit down on my nipple while nursing a second time after bed time at my BFF's house! Luckily, he is still a pretty chill guy and was very interested in watching his older buddy play and walk (yay!)
Best Buds Forever!!
What do you mommas do for teething? Am I the only mom who completely misses all the signs every time?! 

-Big A. 


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