Our Little Piglet!

So, we have quite the eater on our hands these days. Baby A. crams a ton of food down his throat almost every time there is something available to him. We pretty much love it. While he's eating, he moans and murmurs to himself like he is experiencing the finest cuisines in the world. He would make a lot of noise while nursing, too, but it's gone to a whole 'nother level lately! It's really entertaining to watch him enjoy his meals, with his sounds and facial expressions. 

He does occasionally reject a food, but he will mostly try something at least once each time I give it to him, and then he'll toss it overboard if it's not to his liking. But we persevere! I will keep putting a food in front of him, even if I have to prepare it differently, until he eats a bit more of it. His favorite way to consume things is still mostly in a squeeze pouch, so I make a bunch of those from various fruits, veggies, and yogurts about bimonthly. 

Right now, he's very into tart fruits, like peaches, strawberries, and kiwi. He usually will eat any bread, dairy, or meat product without any issues, and so that leaves everyone's favorite, vegetables! I can definitely give him carrots, peas, and broccoli without a negative response, but he's been dropping other items off the tray. A new development of that includes a lack of interest in avocados, which is sad because I felt triumphant that he was into them. He was eating them with breakfast a lot but now we're taking a break form it.

Some exciting new faves include:
French toast:
Any bread product with blueberries, like pancakes:
Pasta, especially if it involves cheese:

Anything with farm-fresh locally sourced honey:

These Outshine Fruit and Frozen Yogurt Bars:

I also am about to give him some of these homemade popsicles, which are just yogurt, peanut butter, and bananas frozen in my cake pop silicone molds, and I will give updates on how that goes- although, probably it'll be just fine with Baby A.

Our main standbys are eggs (gosh he loves scrambled eggs), mac and cheese, Graduates arrowroot cookies (good car snack), squeezies, bananas, peanut butter, and chicken breasts. We are working on introducing some more seafood (he's had shrimp and whatever was in the paella we had in Georgetown already), crunchier and harder to chew foods (like steak, pretzels, chips). When we're out, we generally bring squeezies and other snacks along, but he generally can eat off our plates, even if it's spicy! 
I love that he's working on his baby signing but the ones he does the most are for "eat" and "more" and he's already learned to combine them, which is hilarious when he is SO insistent. 

We are always looking for recommendations to facilitate a better beginning to his eating, like good healthy options, better on-the-go foods, and ways to prepare or feed him different foods, so send them our way!! 


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