First Time at the Dentist for Baby A!

We recently had Baby A.'s first visit to the dentist! We have a toothy little guy, so it's about time!
Overall, it went well and was NOT scary. I believe most dentists will try to make it a very easy and comfortable experience for Mommy and Baby by explaining what and how it will all happen. 

We started with an explanation by the dental assistant before the dentist came over. They had Baby A. sit on my lap and lean back into the dentist for a quick inspection. The the dentist did a quick plaque check, brushing, and ended with a polish of fluoride treatment (thank goodness they no longer do the mouthpiece full of foam). 

That whole process took maybe 10 minutes, during which Baby A. screamed because he didn't like that we were holding him down. I honestly think the dentist could have done a lot of his work without me holding him down, which I will keep in mind for next time. Baby A. was at first just very engaged in staring at the dentist (who had a shock of fiery red hair and beard!) and then was interested in his utensils. But the second I grabbed his hands and held them to his sides, he freaked out. Other than that, I know he wasn't hurt or overly frightened, just mad about being held still. 

The dentist mentioned that Baby A. might have an issue with the skin holding his upper lip to his gums, called the upper labial frenulum (thanks, Google), because his is apparently pretty tight. He warned me that it could tear, likely during rough play, and would bleed a ton but was essentially harmless. So, we'll be on the lookout for that sure-to-be-fun moment. 
Baby A. walked away with a dental goody bag including a toddler toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste sample, a toothbrush cover, a sample flosser, and a little rubber ducky that he is still very excited about. 

It's crazy to think we started at around 4 months with two tiny little bottom teeth on our bitty cherub, and now we have this 8-toothed monster child walking about! 

Here's to looking forward to an 18 month old dental visit,

-Big A.⚓⚓


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