Cookie Monster

I have a problem, ya'll.

It's a sweet, sweet problem to have...


Specifically, chocolate chip cookies. I have been working on the perfect combination of a regular chocolate chip cookie and a lactation cookie, but it's hard work. I have to keep eating cookies, ya know? 

I started with this recipe from Williams Sonoma, but I use at least double the chocolate chips and a cup and a quarter of flour. I was adding flaxseed and brewer's yeast (in varying quantities) to make them more lactation-y, since the lactation cookie recipe calls for those ingredients as well as oatmeal. I also add about a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon. It just doesn't feel right to skip cinnamon in cookies.

I drop cookies with a cookie scooper (it looks like an ice cream scoop, but smaller), and I sift my dry ingredients together. Serious cookie makers seem to think these things are MAJOR KEYS TO SUCCESS.

My problem is that they don't look how I want them to look. I made some at my mom's house and they came out a lot rounder and thicker. I get a ton of spread with mine! I went through what I did differently, and hubs pointed out that I used a regular white egg at mom's house, but at home I always use cage free brown eggs. Also, my mom's over is newer and gets hotter than ours does, so it took less time to bake a batch than it did at home. 

The picture above is what I ended up with today. They tasted great, but they were so flat and either undercooked a tiny bit in the center, or difficult to get off the baking sheet. I have to give it some time and space before I refill my cookie jar, but once it's empty, I'm going to switch up my eggs and baking time to find the perfect, happy cookie medium. Yum.

What cookie recipes do you guys use? Any tips on getting that perfect-looking cookie?

Happy Monday,

-Big A.


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