Small Time Fun

I hate relying on the iPad for entertainment.

It's definitely become a tool in our house to corral, motivate, and keep Baby A from trying to type on my "pew-pewter" when I'm trying to work and he's up from his nap but hubs isn't home yet.

Also, we can't go to the beach as easily right now due to Red Tide making most of our local beaches hazardous to visit.

So, I'm always looking for new things to do with him inside of the house, and a fellow Mom and blogger on Instagram showed a clip of her daughter painting on the windows with some washable paints. Why had I never thought of that before?!

We tried it and it worked so well! All we did was put some washable, kid-safe paint on a paper plate as a palate, then hand A a paintbrush. This is definitely a shirt optional event. A had a blast and he really couldn't set off my anxiety alarms with the mess because I knew I could just wipe it up!
Clean-up in itself was an exciting event when we tossed him in the shower downstairs. This is definitely a keeper activity for a rainy day.


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