Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies! Oh My!

I've been thinking that I should make cookies recipes a regular thing on here... haha. 

That's not a sign of a fit mom but let's all keep in mind that I never promised you that!

Anyway- let's get to the point. I wanted to make cookies for Hubs for Valentine's Day... and I'm not kidding anyone because we all know I wanted to eat some cookies myself, too! 

We'd decided to keep things low-key for Valentine's Day since we have a very busy schedule these next few months, and we agreed to stay in and cook a fancy meal at home. Hubs went all out, found a great recipe from his new cookbook (something about Southern cooking...?) He made chicken fried short ribs, a cucumber dill salad, and a peach and blueberry cobbler!

My contribution was a big ole batch of cookies that lasted us weeks, and I wanted to try something outside of our go-to chocolate chip cookies. I usually try to keep chocolate involved, because my husband loves chocolate... but I'd had a weird craving for peanut butter (does this mean I need more protein in my diet?) so I got on the trusty Pinterest app and found these wonderful treats: 
 Soft, chewy, irrisistible Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk cookies!! 

Now, the recipe I found called for a sprinkle of sea salt on top- and I would have, but we only had Himalayan pink salt in our salt mill, not sea salt, and I wasn't sure it would have the same effect, especially since this recipe uses the flakes! It looks delicious, though - try it if you have salt flakes hanging out in your pantry!

The other thing that I noticed was that these babies came out pretty perfectly round and of a nice thickness, unlike my go-to chocolate chips... so I'm thinking it's the baking powder and baking soda combo that's used in these, not my eggs or anything else I've done, because otherwise the basics of these two cookie doughs were very similar. Look how pretty:
Definitely find some decent chocolate bars if you make these. I had some bars of pretty dark chocolate that I save for special occasions (read: Mindy Project + wine nights), and I broke apart the individual pips, then chopped them up a bit more into good chunks. This recipe is about double what my regular cookies make, so I needed two bars (and twice as much of the other usual ingredients, plus, you know, PEANUT BUTTER).
So, give these a try if you like peanut butter... they're great with some strong coffee in the morning (try Compass Coffee's Waypoint Blend, it's got amazing deep chocolate notes!) and really, who doesn't love a good peanut butter cookie??!

-Big A.


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